Day 1 & 2 – Travelling and setup

Day 1 & 2 – Feb 26 – 27

Well the 2019 mission is upon us. The team members began to gather at the Calgary International Airport at 2:30 am on Tuesday Feb 26. The very significant amount of preparatory work during the weeks prior made the check-in with the many totes and hockey bags simple and thankfully uneventful.

The travel schedule through the next day and a a bit took us from Calgary to Houston, from Houston to Quito, and finally from Quito to Cuenca. Although the totes and bags were checked in through to Quito stormy weather between Houston and Quito required additional fuel to be taken onboard at Houston. The extra fuel weight combined with a full flight meant several TNMS and personal baggage had to be kept back at Houston. We expect this baggage to show up in Cuenca on the morning of Thursday Feb 28. Some members of the team will be missing a change of clothes until then. Despite this the entire teams focus remains on the mission’s objectives. The teams enthusiasm is truly amazing.

Delays in Houston meant there was no more than about one hour of sleep if any at all in Quito before the early morning flight to Cuenca on Wednesday Feb 27. After arrival at the hotel in Cuenca, a short sleep and lunch it was off to the Santa Ines hospital to begin setup and prepare for clinic day on Thursday.

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