Day 7

WE ARE DONE – Our last day of surgery is finally over.

The day began with only one OR available, but we eventually obtained access to three OR’s and the team was able to complete all slated PAO cases and a lot of hips.   As one of the very tired staff said “HIP HIP HOORAY” — obviously tired but deservedly so.   The team performed a total of 49 procedures —- I think that is a record.

Because it was a Monday after a holiday, we thought there would be limited access to OR’s and limited access to the decontamination and sterilization space, however, a good number of patients were helped again today.  Also, available implant sets were dwindling – as it turns out, they were efficiently utilized as only one tote will be needed to ship the remaining implant accessories back.  We did everything we could and the happy faces of both patients and relatives were evident in the busy halls today.

The True North medical staff is incredible, and I am of the opinion that they are the best of the best.  Not only are they amazingly competent at their specialties but they demonstrate incredible heart, performing above average care for those less fortunate.   They have apparently chosen their professions to make a difference and to help people, and they have hit a home run in that department.  A special heartfelt thanks to all of them. Their professionalism, dedication and selflessness has me in awe!!!!!  They have given back and impacted more lives than I think they realize.

I know for some they see that they have impacted the lives of the patient – but please remember and understand that it is more than just the patient: also impacted are the wives, husbands, children, sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers and even the village these patients come from.

I was in the recovery room today and one of the Santa Ines nurses from the ward came down to see how a patient was doing.  This nurse is a distant relative of the patient, and she was asked by family and friends on the floor how this patient was.  They could not wait half to one hour for the patient to be transferred up to the floor after surgery to hear how she was.  This patient is well loved by many, and I have no doubt the smiles were huge to see the surgery went well for her.  Those same relatives will be there watching her recovery, her physio and everything related to her care until they can finally take her home.

Congratulations Mission Team of 2023 – your desire to help has impacted so many this week.

Congratulations to the sponsors and supporters of the Mission as well.  This would not be possible without your donations and support.  Your support was instrumental to the week’s success.

Christmas is approaching – hard to believe it is coming so soon but remember the Mission with fondness when you consider who to help.  We have many first world problems in Canada, and supporting charitable works in Canada is meaningful.  Here, in Ecuador, supporting medical care for those who would not otherwise have access, is more than meaningful  —– It is life changing.

Consider the gift of a new hip, which offers a new view of the world, new hopes and dreams in life for someone in need, and a new outlook for all those around them.

“If you’re in the luckiest one per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.”
― Warren Buffett

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