Day 1

The team arrived in Cuenca today and after a round of introductions, a comedy routine from Dr.
Powell, and a lunch from the Zahir hotel we promptly went to work unpacking the many bags
and totes brought down by the team.

Canada Customs did their thing and opened many items but took away nothing – which is great!
A special thanks goes to Pam for all the work in sorting and organizing the bags. In short order
all items were sorted to the many individual teams participating in the mission. A select group
of young, strong and agile men went to get the remaining bags from Bella’s attic and they came
back with the many needed shelving units.

Then came the onerous task of building those units – that was more fun and noisier than the
luncheon comedy routine. There was a lot of confused faces – apparently no one here has
graduated from Ikea 101, in spite of being very talented medical professionals. While there
were a few miscues, a few shelves that look a little wobbly all were assembled and will probably
last the duration of the trip.

The remainder of the team returned to the Zahir to enjoy the first hotel night and the Ecuadorian
Day of the Shield which is officially October 31, also coinciding with Halloween festivities.
Hundreds of locals, including families gather for a free outdoor concert at the soccer centre
across the road – currently very noisy. A few team members went to the Rotarian Centre to
get things set up at the clinic for tomorrow.

We are organized!!!!! Hoping for great things in the upcoming days.

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