2024 Fundraiser Tickets


Join us for an update on our most recent and upcoming missions and a celebration of the continuing success of this charity’s wonderful work.

There will be many items for bid in the auction.

Thank you to all our supporters for your generous donations throughout the years making the missions possible.

All donations and fundraising proceeds go to support our missions to Ecuador.

Each mission cost is approximately $240,000. Every donation counts!

Thank you again to all those who have and continue to contribute their time, talent and treasure to this charitable cause.



Event Details

September 7th, 2024

The Calgary Winter Club
4611-14 St NW
Calgary, AB T2K 1J7

Cocktails: 5:30pm
Dinner: 6:30pm

Silent Auction, Dinner and Dancing

Tickets are $150 per person

Help support our 2024 Mission!

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