Our Mission To Ecuador 2016
Our Mission To Ecuador 2013
True North in the Calgary Herald
"True North was formed in 2009 as a charitable society with a mission to deliver health care to poor patients in third world and developing nations. Much of the work takes place in Ecuador, where a large number of patients suffer from shallow hip sockets, which leads to arthritis. Last year, the team operated on 27 patients, the vast majority of whom had complex hip disease." ...see more! (Article no longer in Calgary Herald Archives)
True North in Avenue Magazine
"What stands out about this group is that it is entirely volunteer-run, so that every dollar donated goes directly to providing medical aid to the people who need it.
True North Missions Society is a charitable organization that is entirely Calgary-based. The volunteer nurses, physiotherapists, physicians, surgeons and organizers work in various hospitals around Calgary. It is a relatively new charity, without a large donor base. Hopefully as word of our group and the work we do gets out, we'll attract more donors." ...see more! (Article no longer in Avenue Magazine Archives)