2018 – It’s Official!

It’s official!

True North Missions Society hit the ground running yesterday. Kicking off the 2018 Cuenca mission with a requested arrival time to be at the Calgary International Airport for 3 a.m. (no, this is not a joke). Almost all 34 local Calgary team members arrived with smiles on their faces, ready to take on the next 24 hours of uninterrupted travel.

For those who may not know True North’s usual traveling schedule, team members from across the world such as Vancouver, Calgary and the U.S.A., travel to Houston with a connection to Quito and then stay “overnight”. This term is used lightly as it is ends up being a maximum of three hours of sleep at a local hotel and then back to the Quito airport to head to Cuenca. However, don’t let the lack of sleep discourage you, True North is welcomed with open arms by the Cuenca community and Rotary Club featuring a band playing Oh Canada. Doesn’t get better than that, eh?

2018 is truly the year of miracles for the True North Missions Society with no suitcases or surgical equipment lost through customs! Since its inception, the purpose of True North has been to serve the poor and thanks to its inspirational team (both past and present) and unwavering support from Manual (True North’s local physician contact), the Santa Ines Hospital, the Rotary Club and True North’s gracious donors, to date the mission has helped over 250 families.

2018 is going to be a year for the books so stay tuned to see more of what True North Missions Society is up too!



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